Construction Phase H&S Plans for Principal Contractors
We can offer assistance to Principal Contractors with developing your Construction Phase H&S Plan System to ensure it is not only in line with the requirements of the CDM Regulations, but it will also follow industry best practice and ensure that every project you carry out, can be adequately and properly planned, assessing the specific risks involved with each project and communicating all the necessary management arrangements, in a clear, co-ordinated and consistent way.
We can help you develop your initial system and we can also assist you with developing project specific Construction Phase H&S Plans for your future projects, ensuring your Clients always achieve the quality standards they expect and that each time you present your CPHSP to a Client or Principal Designer, that they can easily establish your credentials as a competent, well-resourced Principal Contractor with a well-planned and managed system which demonstrates an exemplary approach to Health & Safety.
In specific situations, where you may be short on time or resource, we can also assist you in the development of your Construction Phase Plan for specific sites.
Contractor CDM Support
Our Clients demand the highest of standards from all members of the supply chain to deliver a consistently good service.
We can offer assistance to Principal Contractors and Contractors to help you comply with the CDM Regulations 2015 as well as the systems and requirements of our mutual clients, to ensure that all projects can be delivered in good time and effectively.
In order to support you, we can:
review your H&S System, Procedures and Arrangements and advise on any improvements which can be made for CDM compliance for working with certain clients and on certain types of projects
review and assess your Method Statements and Risk Assessments for certain work packages and recommend improvements in line with industry expected practice
advise you on skills and competence expected of your workforce
advise you on your CDM Responsibilities and discuss with you how you can comply with your legal liability as well as client expectations and industry best practice
work with you to develop a consistent and compliant Construction Phase Plan system (see below)
assist you to develop your Construction Phase Plan for certain sites
T: 01344 304 800
GHPC Group Ltd © 2019
t: 01344 304 800
Registered in England at 11 Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RP
No: 618 3571
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