CDM & Principal Designer Services
Whatever your role in construction, the CDM Regulations 2015 aim to improve health and safety in the construction industry by helping you to:

sensibly plan the work so the risks involved are managed from start to finish
have the right people for the right job at the right time
co-operate and co-ordinate your work with others
have the right information about the risks and how they are being managed
communicate this information effectively to those who need to know
consult and engage with workers about the risks and how they are being managed
Well grounded...we are committed to being our best, every single day!
CDM 2015 - A new approach to managing H&S risk
​The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 replaced the CDM 2007 Regulations on 6 April 2015 removing the role of CDM Co-ordinator and introducing the Dutyholder known as the Principal Designer.
In line with these regulations, GHPC Group Ltd offers four key services to support your projects:
Principal Designer (CDM)
We have the experience & know-how to lead a design team through all health & safety aspects. The design process oversees uncertainty inherent in design and we ensure that design work fully considers eliminating, reducing & mitigating risk. A perfect complement to the new CDM 2015 legislation.
Having acted extensively throughout the UK as Planning Supervisor, CDM Co-ordinator and now Principal Designer (CDM), we advise all Dutyholders on their responsibilities and assist clients, designers, principal contractors & contractors to carry out their duties in accordance with the law.
What to expect from our CDM Services
In delivering our Principal Designer and CDM Advisory services, we pride ourselves on providing clear, concise advice to all of our Clients and project stakeholders to ensure that projects can be run in accordance with the necessary legislation, with a strong foundation of good health & safety management, while balancing risk with cost and reaching strong, practical and logical solutions which allow the necessary commercial and design decisions to be made without compromising safety or exposing any project stakeholders to unnecessary liability.
All GHPC Principal Designers are competent and well-trained, and have extensive experience of acting as PD / CDM-C, Consortium PD / CDM-C and in project/health & safety management of larger, more complex projects (such as bridge/viaduct construction, substantial regeneration projects and major land & infrastructure development projects).
Our approach to providing comprehensive but focused information & advice, demonstrates our considerable experience in the industry, providing a thorough insight into the constraints of a project which give tendering contractors an accurate basis for providing realistic quotations and ensuring that Health & Safety remains a primary focus of their working methods.
Our team has considerable experience of managing the design process, overseeing risk inherent in design and ensuring that design work fully considers eliminating, reducing & mitigating risk, a perfect complement to the CDM 2015 legislation.