During a Client Monitoring Visit, we will review the Construction Phase H&S Plan with the Site Manager and assess conditions and arrangements on-site, to ensure that these not only reflect what has been committed to in the initial CPHSP but also adequately addresses the level and type of risk involved in the current works.
Where appropriate we will make recommendations on-site to the Principal Contractor and will prepare a report for the Client, setting out any recommendations or improvements which are thought necessary, allowing the Client to feedback into the life-cycle safety of the project and work with the Principal Contractor to ensure that all expected standards are being achieved.
Full Site Audit
Developed over the years into a thorough and comprehensive management tool, the Generic Audit examines standards of compliance at construction site level. The audit visit would entail a full site inspection at ground and at height as appropriate followed by examination of documentation and records. Audit findings are recorded with areas of good practice and non-compliance being discussed with site management.
All Project CDM and Site Audits are undertaken by competent, qualified and experienced consultants.
We can also provide workplace audits for other business environments such as offices, shops, and warehouses, providing landlords/employers with the comfort that they are complying with their legal duties.
We can provide a range of Site Audits that can be tailored to meet your needs and can be combined to provide more detailed services, documentary evidence and feedback for you, the client.
Site “Friendly Audit”
The key to initial success once a project has been approved and construction site activity has been authorised is at site set-up. The 'friendly audit' is usually undertaken within the first few days of site deployment. The audit is designed to confirm whether all the basic steps have been taken, documentation is in place and that the required resources are available at management level.
CDM Project Audit
Usually undertaken at the Principal Contractor's site offices, this audit looks at the roles of all four main Dutyholders under the CDM Regulations 2015 and is used to interrogate documentation at project specific level and determine whether all duty holders are complying adequately with their respective responsibilities.
Client Monitoring Visit
We can provide you with independent monitoring visits during the Construction Phase to give you the confidence you need to ensure that projects remain on-track and in line with the Principal Contractor's initial commitment as set out in their Construction Phase H&S Plan.
H&S Auditing and Site Inspections

GHPC Group Ltd © 2019
t: 01344 304 800
Registered in England at 11 Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RP
No: 618 3571
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