CDM Strategy, Training & Systems

At GHPC our expertise in all things CDM, through three variations of the regulations, makes us perfectly placed to provide you with really useful advice on how to comply with your duties under the Regulations and with current industry practices.
CDM is not a particularly difficult process to get to grips with - in fact there is a great deal of good health & safety management which is straightforward common-sense - but it is can be increasingly difficult to balance all of your business and project requirements while ensuring all your legal responsibilities are met.
And that's where GHPC comes in - it makes a lot of sense to obtain independent advice from experts like GHPC's CDM Team, since we have wide ranging experience, covering many different types of projects, partnerships, contract types and client situations.
CDM Strategy, Training & Systems
We can provide:
- CDM Strategy Briefing Sessions: general for your business or on specific projects
- CDM Training Sessions: for individual dutyholders or in your own systems
- CDM Systems: for Clients, Developers & Principal Contractors (see below)
CDM Management Systems for Developers
With our expertise in CDM, we have developed an all-encompassing management system, based on your own existing policies and procedures, that simply draws it all together in a more efficient and easy-to-use system, reducing the overlap between the Principal Designer's “Pre-Tender Information” and your Principal Contractor’s “Construction Phase H&S Plan”.
This CDM Management System can be used across a variety of project types, and allows for greater understanding of each team member as to what their duties/responsibilities are.
Importantly, recognising the need for efficient and effective administration in order to fulfil the much needed audit trail for all Health, Safety and Environmental matters, the system reduces the administrative strain on your Construction Teams (pre and post start on-site) and allows them to concentrate on their core expertise and the actual physical aspects of Health & Safety Management for which they are responsible (rather than hiding behind paperwork!).
And when acting as your Principal Designer, GHPC takes the role one-step further in assisting you with the administrative side of the Principal Contractor's CDM responsibilities by developing the Pre-Tender Documentation not only in pursuance of the Principal Designer’s responsibilities but also with regard to the Principal Contractor’s own systems of working and help and guide the project team in preparing for the Construction Phase.

T: 01344 304 800
GHPC Group Ltd © 2019
t: 01344 304 800
Registered in England at 11 Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RP
No: 618 3571
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