Project Overview:
A large development of bespoke, modern designed timber-frame properties. On-going maintenance issues had been identified with loose cladding, water ingress problems and some double glazing failures having been reported to the developer and NHBC.
GHPC Group Ltd was appointed to carry out desktop studies and intrusive investigations to examine the root causes of the defects and provide a proposed remedial solution and design. Initial investigations identified damage to timbers and structural frame, caused by significant water ingress, along with a number of design, workmanship and specification issues to roofs, windows, balconies and doors.
The company is project managing the ongoing programme of extensive remedial works with a full-time, on-site team surveying each individual property as properties are opened up, assessing damage, designing temporary and remedial solutions based on the scope of remedial previously drawn up but on a property specific basis, and liaising with the Principal Contractor and specialist sub-contractors on an ongoing basis to monitor and sign-off the works as completed.
Our team also manages direct customer liaison, arranging decants and associated peripherals, managing access for pre-construction surveys and works, obtaining permission to commence works, agreeing any specification issues and generally providing a technical interface to residents for any queries or concerns they may have as the works are carried out.
GHPC is also involved in providing technical and specialist support to the Client at corporate level in dealing with the legal and contractual issues, working with the corporate customer services team.
Additionally, GHPC also acts as CDM Co-ordinator / Principal Designer for the project, is carrying out Party Wall Surveying activities and is designing the remedial solution for both architectural detailing and (working in partnership with another consultant) the Structural Engineering solutions.
Defects Claims
Milton Keynes
Defects Claims Services Overview
We have provided some examples of projects we have been involved with from a Defects Analysis and Claims Management perspective.
Full details of these projects cannot be provided due to the sensitive nature of the projects, which by their very nature involve remedial work to defective structures under insurance claims.
Defects Claims Experts /
Claims Project Manager:
Client Advisor /
Contract Manager:
Principal Designer:
Remedials Designer:
Party Wall Surveyor:
National Housebuilder
GHPC Group Ltd
GHPC Group Ltd
GHPC Group Ltd
GHPC Group Ltd
GHPC Group Ltd
GHPC Group Ltd © 2019
t: 01344 304 800
Registered in England at 11 Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RP
No: 618 3571