Green Street,
Project Overview:
A development of 28 high quality homes in London, following the demolition of a Police Training Facility, located within a Conservation Area.
GHPC was appointed as Architect to provide working drawings and to act as CDM Co-ordinator and Party Wall Surveyor for this sensitive site.
Key to the successful development of this project has been the careful detailing of the facades’ feature stonework and ironwork, which have been designed in response to the local character and building features, as well as the careful selection of building materials so that the development can be read as a whole but at the same time forms part of the existing community.

CDM Co-ordinator:
Party Wall Surveyor:
Linden Homes
GHPC Group Ltd
GHPC Group Ltd
GHPC Group Ltd

Key Constraints:
Given the location and nature of the development site, there were a number of constraints which were taken into the consideration in the design & planning phase:
Demolition of former Police Training Centre - 4 storey building with a significant existing chimney central to the building
Significant existing services crossing site which had to be identified, located and terminated prior to works
Significant building clearance & asbestos removal works
Brownfield site - contamination issues and underground tanks
Limited space surrounding site - traffic management issues
Close proximity to adjacent residential area and boundary with nursing home: substantial security, noise, dust, vibration issues
Ground Conditions (made ground & London Clay), Stability Issues & shallow Groundwater
Conservation Area requiring key architetural features to buildings including stone corbels & cornices and stone copings - manual handling and co-ordination issues
Area of High Archaeological Potential

GHPC Group Ltd © 2019
t: 01344 304 800
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No: 618 3571