Landata House,
Hook, Hampshire
Project Overview:
This re-development site is located on Station Rd, Hook, Hampshire. The re-development includes the demolition of the existing 3 storey, Landata House office building, to allow the construction of 3 separate residential apartment blocks of varying scale and tenure, comprised of 78 units.
The site covers an area of 0.55 hectares and is predominantly hardstanding. It currently contains a vacant three-storey office building which was originally constructed in the 1970s. The site is located in a highly accessible area with Hook village centre within approximately 500m (or 5 – 6 minutes’ walk). A variety of employment opportunities and Hook Junior School are also within walking distance. Hook Railway Station is located approximately 300m (or 3 – 4 minutes walk) to the north of the site, providing frequent services to a range of destinations.
GHPC are appointed by Taylor Wimpey as Lead Designer to prepare and co-ordinate the detailed design of this bespoke development.

Taylor Wimpey West London
GHPC Group Ltd

GHPC Group Ltd © 2019
t: 01344 304 800
Registered in England at 11 Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RP
No: 618 3571