Great Western Park
Didcot, Oxfordshire
Lead Consortium Client:
Consortium Clients:
Consortium CDM Advisor &
Client CDM Advisor to TW:
Project Size:
Taylor Wimpey
David Wilson Homes
Persimmon Homes
Bellway Homes
GHPC Group Ltd
Urban extension of approximately 3,300 new homes & associated infrastructure
Project Overview:
Great Western Park is a major mixed-use urban extension of around 3,300 new dwellings together with associated local shops and services, leisure, open space and community facilities and transport, drainage and utility infrastructure.
It will increase the urban area of Didcot by around 20% with a major district centre to form the heart of the development, providing residents with shops, new schools, community facilities and significant outdoor sports facilities in Boundary Park. The design of the District Centre will draw on the characteristics of Oxfordshire towns and villages to provide a high quality, characterful heart to the development as a whole.
The development is split into three distinct areas: the Northern Neighbourhood, District Neighbourhood and the Southern Neighbourhood.
Key Works:
S278 & S38 Works – A4130, Wantage Road and on-site infrastructure
Services diversion & re-routing
Significant groundworks, reprofiling & earthworks to install new infrastructure
Multiple housing parcels: various developers
New School
Community Facilities
Sports Facilities
Key Constraints:
With such major development works there were many constraints involved in the project which were integrated into the design and planning phases to reduce the risk involved during the construction phase including:
Works to boundary of existing housing estate
Local Primary School on boundary of works site
Live highways works
Underlying strata: Gault Clay - commonly highly fissured & liable to collapse
Former agricultural land
Ecological constraints
Co-ordination of the Consortium with multiple phases and types of development & infrastructure works ongoing at any one time
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