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Description of the main design principles.

Details of the building's construction: such as finishes, cladding, doors and windows, roof construction etc.

As-constructed drawings and specifications.

Instructions for operation and maintenance of equipment, fixtures and the building fabric (including health and safety information and manufacturers' instructions for efficient and proper operation).

Asset register of plant and equipment.

Commissioning and testing results.

Guarantees, warranties and certificates.

Particular requirements for demolition, decommissioning and disposal.

On occasion an O&M Manual will also include - a Building User's Guide: with information for users about environmental controls, access, security and safety systems etc.

Operating & Maintenance Manuals

T: 01344 304 800


A draft version of the document is normally provided for the Client as part of the building handover procedure prior to Practical Completion. The final Manual will usually then be available in full form at an agreed date after practical completion, once all commissioning information has been provided.


Typically an O&M Manual is provided in electronic format, to facilitate usage by building facilities management teams and for ease of access and archiving. Some Clients require hard copies, which can normally be provided for delivery to the Client office or Building address.



What is in an O&M Manual?

Typically, an O&M Manual will include the following information:

All manuals are prepared in full accordance with the relevant technical standards; BISRIA Technical Note TN 15/95 and the CIBSE Guide to Ownership, Operating and Maintenance of Building Services.

What to expect from GHPC's O&M Manual Service

GHPC’s typical service for the provision of O&M Manuals would include:

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GHPC Group Ltd © 2019

t: 01344 304 800

Registered in England at 11 Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RP

No: 618 3571

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Over the life of a building, the O&M Manual should be developed to reflect changes that take place to the fabric of the building or its systems, along with details of maintenance that has taken place.


The O&M Manual should be used in conjunction with the Health & Safety File and will often cross reference to sections of the H&S File, to ensure that full information is obtained regarding the safe operation, maintenance, disposal or decommissioning of elements of the building.

Home > Services > Construction Support Services > Operating & Maintenance Manuals

GHPC has extensive experience in co-ordination & compilation of full Building Manuals (incorporating the Operating & Maintenance Manuals and Health & Safety File) for a finished development tailored to Client requirements, including provision of our forthcoming interactive online system “Athenaeum” (see IT Services for further information).



What is an O&M Manual?

The Operating & Maintenance Manual (O&M Manual) contains the information required for the operation, maintenance, decommissioning and demolition of a building. It is often part of an overall “Building Manual”, which incorporates a Health & Safety File, Operating & Maintenance Manual and a Building User Guide.


It should be noted that an O&M Manual is separate to a Health & Safety File (as defined by the CDM Regulations 2015) which contains information specific to the health & safety aspects of a building, whereas the O&M Manual contains more detailed information which is required by the building owner and occupier to operate and maintain the facility. It contains information regarding the general structure as well as the systems installed.


Typically, an O&M Manual contains information supplied by the Main Contractor, Design Team, Contractors with Design Input, Suppliers and (where relevant) the Developer / Client. It is a requirement that is generally defined in the preliminaries section of the tender documentation where its contents will be described.

Depending on Client requirements, provision of an O&M Manual or a full Building Manual (to incorporate O&M Manual & Health & Safety File).

Liaison with Client, Project Manager, Principal Contractor, Design Team, Contractors & Suppliers relevant to the project.

Co-ordination of relevant O&M Manual information in electronic format.

Monthly report provided to the Client / Project Manager on delivery of information from all parties through construction phase.

Preparation of Technical Index Document to provide guidance and relevant information for O&M Manual.

Technical Index formatted using GHPC’s standard indexing format or Client Bespoke format.

Provision of the completed Manual in interactive CD format. Hard copies can also be provided separately if required.

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