analysing root cause analysis of defects
designing remedial solutions
drawing up specification for works
preparing contracts & issuing tenders
determining works programme
making arrangements for property owners as necessary
preparing project CDM documentation
appointing contractors and assessing readiness for start on-site
monitoring works on-site, working with contractors to ensure quality construction and technical detail appropriate for property
site instruction & project team/design team on-site management
commercial valuation assessment, budget & contract management
closing out of works & claim for Client etc.
Defects Analysis for Developers & Contractors
As with Warranty Claims Management for Developers, GHPC can work with UK Developers to analyse defects discovered in the build process and post completion, to determine areas of the Developer's process which perhaps need to be re-assessed, identify problem areas with supply chain or advise where staff require further training to better understand how to avoid future problems.
We can also assist Developers where potential defects claims are raised by Property Owners within the Developer Guarantee Period of a warranty, to provide an independent analysis of individual claims to ascertain validity of claims, assess physical conditions to determine likely cause of defects and identify what remedial works may be required to remedy the problem.
Furthermore, we can also provide a third party, independent opinion for cases where either warranty bodies require Developers to remedy defects outwith the DGP, but the Developer does not believe this is within his responsibilities; or where the root cause of a defect or remedial solution proposed by a warranty body is disputed by the Developer.
Our growing expertise in warranty policies and claims, along with our multi-disciplinary capabilities, means we genuinely can offer you a flexible, but focused solution to problematic warranty and defect issues, and can potentially save you money in the long run.
Defects Claims Expertise - for Developers
T: 01344 304 800
It is quite common for Developers & Contractors to become involved in analysing and managing remedial works required under the requirements of a Structural Warranty or a contractual Defects Liability Period, where a defect has caused damage to the property. Sometimes this is due to the Developer's responsibilities under the Developer's Guarantee Period of the Warranty product; in other instances, the Warranty body may also require the Developer to take charge of remedial works during the Structural Insurance Period.
GHPC has a wealth of experience in analysing defects and surveying and project managing remedial works and can offer a flexible service to suit the technical capability of your team, budget and programme.
Warranty Claims Management for Developers
Whatever the reason for a Developer getting involved in defects issues, remedial works can be a difficult process to manage, since it is neither the core business of building properties for Developers (and therefore not the natural expertise of your staff) nor is it necessarily a straightforward process, particularly where the relationship with the Property Owner may have broken down.
GHPC can bring our expertise of managing Warranty Claims to UK Developers - we can manage the remedial works for Property Owners on your behalf including:

GHPC Group Ltd © 2019
t: 01344 304 800
Registered in England at 11 Milbanke Court, Milbanke Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RP
No: 618 3571
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